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Advocacy Mondays in May
Advocacy Mondays in May
In 2019, MHA is hosting Mental Health Mondays in May in lieu of Hill Day. By coordinating calls, social media posts, and visits each week on Monday during Mental Health Month, advocates will drive home the message to their elected officials that mental health matters! Help us get the message out to legislators all across the country by taking a few minutes to schedule a visit, to call, or use social media to encourage your legislators to advance:
- Children and Youth Mental Health
- Peer Support
- Awareness about Tardive Dyskinesia
- Behavioral Health Integration, and
- Workplace Mental Health.
To help you talk to your legislators about why prevention matters and that mental health and co-occurring conditions should be addressed early on, before a crisis, MHA created the Act B4Stage4 Toolkit which includes:
- Links to find federal and state legislators
- Tips for scheduling and conducting meetings
- Talking points, asks, social media language and graphics for each topic
- List of current and previous federal bills
- Plus more!
Download MHA's Act B4Stage4 Toolkit now!
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