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9 Women Thriving with Mental Health Conditions

By Jennifer Cheang, MHA Associate Director of Digital Marketing

Happy International Women’s Day!

Today is a day to celebrate women and we are highlighting women who are living in recovery with mental health conditions and choose to use their platforms to spread awareness.

7 Reasons Why World Bipolar Day Is Important

By Shannon Hazlitt, Social Media Specialist, bp and esperanza Magazines

On March 30th each year, the world comes together to raise awareness of a mental health disorder that affects nearly 6 million Americans, each in a distinctive way.

Dating in the Internet World with Mental Illness

By Mike Thornsbury, MHA Board Member

Dating is tough.

It’s hard to find someone you click with, but it is even harder when you have an illness. A mental illness.

And online dating? Well, that brings up its own set of difficulties because when you meet someone online you aren’t really talking to them.

The Power of Spoken Word

By: Marcel “Fable The Poet” Price

I am a poet, teaching artist, and a full-time creative who inspires the, individuals of tomorrow, today. But what does that even mean?

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