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eating disorders

A Boy, His Anorexia, and the Heart That Saved His Life

By Non Wels, feely human and creator of You, Me, Empathy

(Trigger warning: Disordered eating, weight, and suicidal ideation are mentioned in this blog post.)

I’m a man in recovery from Anorexia Nervosa.

Why I Believe Full Recovery from an Eating Disorder is Possible

By Colleen M. Werner

When I first started struggling with food and body image at eight years old, I was convinced it would be a lifelong struggle. My days were spent getting on and off a scale more times than anyone could imagine and counting out my cornflakes before I’d even think of eating them. I felt that I was destined to be bound by my eating disorder forever.

9 Women Thriving with Mental Health Conditions

By Jennifer Cheang, MHA Associate Director of Digital Marketing

Happy International Women’s Day!

Today is a day to celebrate women and we are highlighting women who are living in recovery with mental health conditions and choose to use their platforms to spread awareness.

How Mental Health Advocacy Helped Me Fully Recover from My Eating Disorder

By Colleen M. Werner

How Supporting My Sister Taught Me Self-Compassion

By Taylor Adams, MHA Programs and Operations Manager

Are You At Risk for an Eating Disorder?

By Lauren Smolar, Director of Helpline Services at the National Eating Disorders Association

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