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mental illness

Commemorating the 10th Anniversary of the Mental Health Parity Bill: We’ve Come a Long Way and Still Have Much to Do

By Caren Howard, MHA Advocacy Manager, and Nathaniel Counts, MHA Senior Policy Director

Dating in the Internet World with Mental Illness

By Mike Thornsbury, MHA Board Member

Dating is tough.

It’s hard to find someone you click with, but it is even harder when you have an illness. A mental illness.

And online dating? Well, that brings up its own set of difficulties because when you meet someone online you aren’t really talking to them.

The Power of Spoken Word

By: Marcel “Fable The Poet” Price

I am a poet, teaching artist, and a full-time creative who inspires the, individuals of tomorrow, today. But what does that even mean?

Road to Wellness: An African American Female’s Journey

By Lauren Carson, Founder of Black Girls Smile Inc. 

I remember precisely the day that I first heard the word “depression” float into the air and for some reason the word landed heavily on me in a foreshadowing manner.

Bring Back the Asylum?

By Paul Gionfriddo

The JAMA headline is pretty sensational: Improving Long-term Psychiatric Care: Bring Back the Asylum.  And the article itself is generating a lot of discussion and debate.

But headlines can be misleading.  As the authors write:

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