youth | Mental Health America

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How to Teach Your Child Body Positivity

By Ana Reisdorf, registered dietician and writer for Walgreens

Today's society has an image-driven culture that focuses on unrealistic standards of beauty for people of all genders, ages, and ethnicities. These standards not only have a negative impact on adults but are impacting children with alarming consequences.

Going Back to School Doesn’t Have to Be Hard

By Theresa Nguyen, MHA Vice President of Policy and Programs

Most children love summers. But for children with mental health problems, the summer time doesn’t just signal fun in the sun. For these children, summer time is a time of emotional and physical relief. Which is why going back to school is so hard.

America’s Youth is in Crisis – Here’s How You Can Help

By Theresa Nguyen, MHA Vice President of Policy and Programs

Over ten years ago, I started working with teenagers and adults who struggled with mental health problems.

Working with individuals and families, I witnessed how exhausting and persistent the struggle against mental illnesses is.

3 Things I Wish I Knew About Mental Health in High School (And 1 Thing I Wish Adults Knew)

By Nadia Ghaffari, Founder of

We all remember the challenges and difficulties of high school––even before the internet and social media! Raising a child today is hard; it doesn’t come with a manual, and often, we feel like we are winging it.

The Power of Spoken Word

By: Marcel “Fable The Poet” Price

I am a poet, teaching artist, and a full-time creative who inspires the, individuals of tomorrow, today. But what does that even mean?

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