minority mental health month | Mental Health America

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minority mental health month

How Music Saved Me from Depression, Alcoholism, and Suicide

By Brandon Fox, Recording Artist

It started with a “something’s wrong” text.

That led to a question amongst the family - what’s going on?

The Greatest Gift My Parents Gave Me

By Gayathri Ramprasad, MBA, CPS, Founder and President of ASHA International

Minority Mental Health is #NotACharacterFlaw

By Jean-Phillipe Regis, Manager, Children, Youth and Families, Human Rights Campaign Foundation

The Power of Spoken Word

By: Marcel “Fable The Poet” Price

I am a poet, teaching artist, and a full-time creative who inspires the, individuals of tomorrow, today. But what does that even mean?

Road to Wellness: An African American Female’s Journey

By Lauren Carson, Founder of Black Girls Smile Inc. 

I remember precisely the day that I first heard the word “depression” float into the air and for some reason the word landed heavily on me in a foreshadowing manner.

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