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3 Things I Wish I Knew About Mental Health in High School (And 1 Thing I Wish Adults Knew)

By Nadia Ghaffari, Founder of

We all remember the challenges and difficulties of high school––even before the internet and social media! Raising a child today is hard; it doesn’t come with a manual, and often, we feel like we are winging it.

The Power of Spoken Word

By: Marcel “Fable The Poet” Price

I am a poet, teaching artist, and a full-time creative who inspires the, individuals of tomorrow, today. But what does that even mean?

Road to Wellness: An African American Female’s Journey

By Lauren Carson, Founder of Black Girls Smile Inc. 

I remember precisely the day that I first heard the word “depression” float into the air and for some reason the word landed heavily on me in a foreshadowing manner.

A Nonstarter: Repealing Mental Health Reforms Granted by Obamacare

By: Caren Howard, Advocacy Manager

One in five people in their lifetime will experience a mental health condition and four in 20 people will experience chronic, ongoing issues. Mental health is integral to overall health of an individual throughout their lifespan.

A Mother's Reckoning: A Tragic Story That Builds the Case for Early Intervention

By: Paul Gionfiddo, president and CEO, Mental Health America

We don’t usually use this blog to review books. A Mother’s Reckoning was for me — as it will be for many people — a difficult book to read. It speaks to an incredibly raw and relevant topic.

A Mother’s Reckoning was written by Sue Klebold. Sue’s son Dylan died by suicide in 1999, and she writes of her pain in his passing.


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